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To be given to the employee <br /> DHR Rules <br /> 10.07.Appointment, Limited: The appointment of a person to a classified, position where the work <br /> is projected to be of limited duration, for which the person has qualified by examination. <br /> 120.02. Permanent Status and Expedited Layoff: Employees appointed under limited-service <br /> appointments have permanent classified status after successful completion of probation. <br /> These employees have the same rights and responsibilities as other permanent employees <br /> but may be subject to expedited layoff pursuant to Paragraph 140.01.c. of these rules. <br /> 140.01. Conditions for Layoff: An appointing authority may lay off an employee whenever <br /> necessary due to: <br /> a. Shortage of funds or work; <br /> b. Reorganization; <br /> c. The end of a limited service appointment; <br /> 140.04.c. Limited-service appointments are defined by the project, program, or function for which the <br /> appointments were made. When a limited service project is completed or funding <br /> concluded, the limited service appointee is separated from state service as a layoff. <br /> However, limited service appointees have no re-employment preference. <br /> 159.02. Tenure of Employment: All employment in the state classified service is without definite <br /> term except where the term may be specified by law, or under conditions of a limited-service <br /> appointment. <br /> HRS 211 Form A Page 2 of 2 <br /> (Form last updated 11/9/10) <br />