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Control Number: <br />404.02.01.003 <br />Version: <br />6.0 <br />Title: <br />Diets for Inmates: Selective, Medical, <br />Special Provision, and Infirmary <br /> <br />Page Number: <br />3 of 10 <br /> <br />Idaho Department of Correction <br /> <br />• Healthy Choice Diet: A diet reduced in calories, fat, sodium, and sugar <br />• Lacto-ovo Vegetarian Diet: A vegetarian diet that includes dairy items and eggs <br />• Non-pork diet: A menu that provides pork-free alternatives for food items containing <br />pork <br />• Vegan Diet: A vegetarian diet containing no animal products <br />• Common Fare: A menu comprised of fully-cooked, and/or ready-to-eat, pre- <br />packaged, kosher-certified foods and fresh produce that does not require washing <br />(produce with an inedible peel or rind). <br />o All common fare foods that require heating will be double-wrapped to <br />accommodate heating in a non-kosher microwave. <br />o Dinner on Friday will be cold, or served before sunset if hot, and <br />breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Saturday each week will be cold meals, to <br />accommodate those who wish to observe an orthodox Sabbath. <br />2. Requesting a Selective Diet <br />To effectively manage food service in a correctional facility, it is crucial that the facility food <br />service authority plan, order for, and prepare enough meals to meet the needs of the inmate <br />population. To ensure that the proper amount of food is available, the facility food service <br />authority must know how many inmates eat from each menu type. <br />To participate in a selective diet, inmates must complete a Request for a Selective Diet form. <br />The Request for a Selective Diet form must be received by food service staff on or before <br />the 25th of the month preceding the requested participation month. Any exceptions to these <br />requirements must be approved in writing on a case-by-case basis by the facility head. <br />Selective diet requests are valid for one calendar month per request. Selective diets are not <br />automatically renewed. The sign-up process must be completed for each month an inmate <br />wishes to participate in a selective diet. <br />Inmates with a medical diet order will not be permitted to participate in a selective diet that <br />conflicts with the medical diet order. Any exception to this must be addressed through the <br />special provision diet process (see section 4). <br />Inmates can choose one selective diet option, in lieu of the mainline diet, using the following <br />process steps described in Table 2-1 below: