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<br /> REQUEST FOR MENTOR <br /> Mentors may come from community and faith-based organizations or individuals and IDOC does not guarantee that a mentor will be assigned. Participation is completely voluntary for both <br />parties and can be terminated by either party of IDOC staff at any time without affecting release eligibility or violation determination. <br />Nothing replaces the work of your counselors, case managers, or probation and parole officers for housing, employment, and conditions of supervision. It is your responsibility (not the <br />mentor’s) to keep them informed of your needs, plans, and any changes. <br /> A mentor can help you transition back into the community and become a positive and productive member of society, but success is ultimately up to you because you are Free2Succeed. Typically, <br />consideration for a mentor will be within 90 days of a release date. The request will be returned if outside that timeframe. <br /> <br /> <br />Last name: _________ __ First: __________________________ IDOC #: _____ <br />Age: ________  Male  Female Are you a veteran?  Yes  No <br /> Are you currently: (Please choose a status and answer all questions as accurately as possible) <br /> INCARCERATED:  Termer  Rider  Parole Violator Probation <br />Current institution: _________________ Name of case manager: ___________________________________ <br />Anticipated release to: City: __________________ County: _______________ Month: _______ Year: ______ <br /> COMMUNITY SUPERVISION:  Probation  Parole D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 <br />Current city: ___________________________________ P&P officer: ________________________________ <br />Level of Supervision (if known):  LSU (WBOR)  Limited  2  3  4 <br />Court supervision:  Mental Health  Veterans  Drug  Family  Other _____________________ <br /> Faith-based (religious) affiliation:  Yes  No What church or religion: <br />Do you have an individual in mind for a mentor?  Yes  No Current IDOC Volunteer:  Yes  No <br />Last Name: ____________________________________ First Name: _________________________ <br />Is this person aware you are interested in them as a mentor to you?  Yes  No <br />If known, contact information: __________________________________________________________ <br />The language I speak is:  English  Spanish  Other: _________________________________ <br />Do you have a residence upon release?  Yes  No Address of residence upon release (if known): <br />________________________________________________________________________________________ <br />Street <br />________________________________________________________________________________________ <br /> City State Zip <br /> <br />Do you have a spouse or significant other that you would like your mentor to contact?  Yes  No <br />If yes, how do you want the contact made (phone, visit, etc.)? ______________________________________ <br /> Do you have any immediate needs that will need to be addressed after your release? _______ <br /> ____________ <br />Are there any specific issues you would like your mentor to be aware of? _________________ <br /> ___________ <br />Do you have a job waiting for you upon release?  Yes  No  Maybe <br />If yes, what is the name of the employer: _______________________________________________________ <br />What job skills do you have? ____________ <br /> ___________ <br />What is the highest level of education that you have completed? <br /> High school diploma  GED  Technical school (field of study) __________________ <br /> Some college (field of study) ________________________________________________________ <br /> College degree (type of degree and field) ______________________________________________ <br />What results do you expect from having a mentor? _______________________ <br /> ___________ <br /> ___________ <br />What age group do you want you mentor to be:  25-35  36-45  46-55  56+  Any <br />Please list a few hobbies or interests. _______ _______________________ <br /> ___________ <br /> (OPTIONAL) Do you have health issues you would like to discuss with your mentor?  Yes  No <br /> Information shared between the offender and the mentor is not strictly confidential. Mentors must report the following information to IDOC staff involving one or more of the following: <br /> a threat to facility security <br />harm to self or others <br />criminal activity <br />violation of and condition of probation or parole <br />violation of any rule <br />violation of a no-contact order <br />