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Idaho Department of Correction <br /> Protect the public, our staff and those within our custody and supervision <br /> BRAD LITTLE JOSH TEWALT <br />Governor Director <br /> REQUEST AND CONSENT FOR RELEASE OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION <br />1.Name, address and information of person authorizing release of records. <br />Name:_________________________________ Phone:____________________ IDOC # (if applicable) ________________ <br />Other names: ___________________________ Date of Birth: ______________ Social Security No: ___________________ <br />Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________ <br />2.Statement of Request and Authorization <br />I hereby request and authorize communication between the Idaho Department of Correction (IDOC), Division of Probation and <br />Parole, and any entity contacted by IDOC, including:_______________________________________________________. <br />The extent of information that may be disclosed, includes the following records and documentation (initial all that apply): <br />______ Evaluation/Assessments ______ Psychosexual Evaluation ______ Medications <br />______ Military ______ Counseling records ______ Treatment records <br />______ Mental Health records ______ Education ______ Child support <br />______ Employment ______ Social histories ______ Legal/Criminal/juvenile records <br />______ Social Security Administration ______ Problem Solving Court records ______ Other___________________ <br />_______ Medical records: _______ Drug and alcohol treatment information, including: <br />from _______ to _______ _____Whether I am enrolled _____ Diagnosis/prognosis <br />and/or regarding ____________ _____ Cooperation level _____ Presence in a facility <br />___________________________ _____ Treatment/discharge plan _____ Attendance <br />The information release is for the purpose(s) of (initial all that apply): <br />_______ Court-ordered Presentence Investigation _______ Probation and/or Parole purposes <br />I understand that the above records are protected under federal regulations including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability of 199 (HIPAA), 45 C.F.R. <br />Parts 160 & 164, and/or Confidentiality of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Patient Records, 42 C.F.R. Part 2, and cannot be disclosed without my written consent unless <br />otherwise provided for in these regulations. Recipients of this information may re-disclose the information only in connection with their official duties. I understand <br />that this authorization is subject to revocation by me if provided in writing, except to the extent that disclosure has already occurred in reliance upon this authorization, <br />and subject to the conditions explained below. I understand this information may be re-released in accordance with Idaho Criminal Rule 32 for other legal purposes. <br />SPECIAL TERMS REGARDING REVOCABILITY OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAM RELEASES: <br />Although HIPAA requires that consents be revocable and does not have an exception when a patient is mandated into treatment through the criminal justice system <br />(CJS), 42 C.F.R. Part 2 sets forth some special rules when a patient’s participation in a treatment program is an official condition of probation or parole, sentence, <br />dismissal of charges, release from imprisonment, or other disposition of any criminal proceeding. While a consent form (or court order) is still required before any <br />disclosure can be made about a CJS referral, the rules concerning duration and revocability of the consent are different. Under special rules of 42 C.F.R. Part 2, consent <br />can be made irrevocable until a certain specified date or condition occurs, and the duration of the consent can be linked to the final disposition of the criminal proceeding. <br />42 C.F.R. §2.35. This allows programs to provide information even after the client leaves treatment. If the client does not comply with treatment, the program can <br />report the problem to the judge or prosecuting attorney to testify in a probation revocation hearing because there has been no final disposition of the criminal matter. <br />A CJS consent allows programs to use the expiration condition provided in 42 C.F.R. Part 2 “when there is a substantial change in the patient’s criminal justice status.” <br />A substantial change in status occurs whenever the patient moves from one phase of the CJS to the next. For example, if a client were on parole or probation, there <br />would be a change in the CJS status when the parole or probation ends, either by successful completion or revocation. Thus the program could provide periodic reports <br />to the parole or probation officer monitoring the client, and could even testify at a parole or probation revocation hearing, since no change in criminal status would <br />occur until after the hearing. <br />3.Expiration and Release of Liability <br />I release and forever hold harmless the State of Idaho, IDOC, and their agents and employees from and against all claims, <br />damages, or liability resulting from any action pursuant to this request. <br />_____________________________________________ ___________________________ <br />Signature of Person Requesting Release of Records Date <br />_____________________________________________ _____________________________________ ____________ <br />Name of Witness (or Parent/Guardian where required) Signature of Witness/Parent/Guardian Date <br />Note to Releasor: IDOC is not funded to provide payment for your services or copying fees. Any expense or fee involved in this request should be billed to your client <br />and not to IDOC.