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Idaho <br />Departm ent of <br />Correction <br /> Standard <br />O perating <br />Proce dure <br />Title: <br /> Acce ss to Care <br />Page: <br /> 1 of 6 <br />Control Num ber: <br /> 401.06.03.001 <br />Vers ion: <br /> 5.0 <br />Adopted: <br /> 11/08/1998 <br /> <br />Pat Donaldson, chief of the div ision of manage me nt se rv ice s, approved this docume nt on 01/11 /2018. <br /> Open to the public : Yes <br />SCO PE <br />This SOP applies to all Idaho Departm ent of Correc tion (IDO C) em ployees , inm ates, <br />contrac t m edical providers and s ubc ontrac tors . <br /> <br />Revision Summary <br /> <br />Revision date (01/11/2018) vers ion 5.0: Added c larific ation regarding inm ate acces s to healthc are. <br />Revision date (10/04/2017) vers ion 4.0: Added a des ignee to s ome areas of res pons ibility. <br />Revision date (09/15/2017) version 3.0: Reformatted entire doc ument; updated term s and definitions. <br /> <br />TABLE O F CO NT ENT S <br />Board of Correc tion ID APA Rule Num ber 01 .......................................................... 1 <br /> Policy Control Num ber 401 ....................................................................................................... 1 <br /> Purpos e ..................................................................................................................................... 2 <br /> Responsibility ............................................................................................................................ 2 <br /> Standard Proc edures ................................................................................................................ 3 <br /> 1. Intro duction ......................................................................................................................... 3 <br /> 2. Eliminating Barriers to Healthc are Services ....................................................................... 4 <br /> 3. Providing Heal thc are Servic es ........................................................................................... 4 <br /> 4. Inm ate Conc erns................................................................................................................. 5 <br /> 5. Com plianc e ......................................................................................................................... 5 <br /> Definitions ................................................................................................................................. 5 <br /> Referenc es................................................................................................................................ 6 <br /> <br />BOARD OF CORRECT ION IDAPA RULE NUMBER <br />Medical Care <br />POLICY CONT ROL NUMBER 401 <br />Clinic al Services and Treatm ent