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Idaho Departm ent of Correction <br /> Control Number: <br /> 401.06.03.001 <br />Ve rsion: <br /> 5.0 <br />T itle : <br /> Access to Care <br />Page Numbe r: <br /> 2 of 6 <br /> <br />PURPO SE <br />The purpos e of this s tandard operating proc edure (SO P) is to establish a program to ens ure <br />that inm ates have unim peded access to healthc are s ervic es to meet their s erious m edic al, <br />dental and m ental health needs. <br />RESPONSIBILIT Y <br />Health Services Director <br /> The health services director, or designee, is res ponsible for: <br /> • Monitoring and overs eeing all as pects of healthc are servic es . <br /> • The im plem entation and continued prac tic e of the provis ions provided in this <br />SOP. <br /> W hen healthcare s ervices are privatized, the health servic es direc tor, or des ignee, will <br />als o be responsible for: <br /> • Reviewing and approving (prior to implementation) all applic able c ontract m edic al <br />provider polic y, proc edure, and form s . <br /> • Monitoring the c ontract m edic al provider ’s perform anc e, to include but not lim ited <br />to reviewing proc esses , procedures, form s, and protoc ols em ployed by the <br />c ontract m edic al provider to ensure c ompliance with all healthc are-related <br />requirements provided in respective c ontractual agreements , this SOP, and in <br />National Commission on Correctional Health Care (NCCHC) standard P-A-01, <br />Access to Care. (See sec tion 5 of this SO P.) <br /> <br />Contract Medical Provider <br />W hen healthcare s ervices are privatized, the c ontrac t medic al provider is res pons ible <br />for: <br /> • Im plem enting and practic ing all provis ions of this SOP, unless s pec ific ally <br />exempted by written contractual agreem ents . <br /> • Ensuring that all as pects of this SO P and NCCHC s tandard P-A-01 are <br />addressed by applic able contrac t m edical provider polic y and proc edure. <br /> • Ensuring fac ility health authorities utilize all applic able c ontract m edical provider <br />policy, proc edure, form s, and educational information to fulfill all healthc are- <br />related requirements provided in this SOP, NCCHC s tandard P-A-01, or as <br />indicated in their respective contractual agreem ent(s ). <br /> • Ensuring all applic able c ontract m edic al provider polic y, procedure, and forms are <br />submitted to the health services director, or des ignee, for review and approval <br />prior to im plem entation. <br /> <br />Note: Nothing in this SOP shall be construed to relieve the contract m edical provider(s) of <br />any obligation and/or respons ibility s tipulated in respec tive contractual agreem ents.