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Idaho Departm ent of Correction <br /> Control Number: <br /> 401.06.03.001 <br />Ve rsion: <br /> 5.0 <br />T itle : <br /> Access to Care <br />Page Numbe r: <br /> 3 of 6 <br /> <br />Health Services Adm inistrator <br />The health s ervices adm inistrator, or des ignee, will be res pons ible for: <br /> • Ens uring the presenc e of an adequate num ber of appropriately trained staff and <br />m aterials are available to m eet the requirem ents of this SOP. <br /> • Es tablishing and m onitoring applic able c ontract medic al provider polic y and <br />proc edure to ens ure that all elements of this SOP and NCCHC standard P-A-01 are <br />accom plis hed as required. <br /> • Es tablishing form al relations hips with community hos pitals , s pecialists, and others as <br />needed to m eet the requirem ents of this SOP and NCCHC s tandard P-A-01. <br /> • Es tablishing and m onitoring proc edures to ens ure inm ates rec eive care that is <br />ordered by qualified health professionals . <br /> • Es tablishing and m onitoring proc edures to ens ure the m edical c o-pay program is <br />adm inis tered pursuant to policy 411, Medic al Co-pay. <br /> <br />Qualified Health Professional <br />The qualified health professional will be responsible for: <br /> • Providing inform ation to inm ates, delineating how spec ific healthcare s ervic es <br />are obtained. <br /> • Perform ing a prelim inary health screening, appropriate to the gender of the <br />inm ate, for all new inm ates at the Receiving and Diagnos tic Unit (RDU), including <br />transferees from county jails , privately m anaged correctional facilities , and out-of- <br />s tate c orrectional facilities . <br /> • Sc heduling tim ely appointm ents with the appropriate practitioner when a m edic al <br />or m ental health need requiring evaluation and/or intervention by a lic ens ed <br />m edical, m ental health, or allied healthcare provider (including spec ialis ts and <br />sub-specialists) is identified. <br /> • Providing tim ely and adequate healthc are services per referral from qualified <br />health professionals . <br /> • Docum enting all c linic al c ontacts in the inm ate’s healthcare rec ord. <br />GENERAL REQ UIREM ENT S <br />1. Intr oduction <br />In a tim ely m anner, an inm ate c an be seen by a clinic ian, be given a professional c linic al <br />judgm ent, and rec eive care that is ordered. Healthc are provided to inmates during <br />inc arceration foc uses on prevention and m aintenance of the inm ate’s health status. Acces s <br />to healthcare servic e is the foundation upon which all routine and em ergent healthc are <br />s ervices are dependent.