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Idaho Departm ent of Correction <br /> Control Number: <br /> 401.06.03.001 <br />Ve rsion: <br /> 5.0 <br />T itle : <br /> Access to Care <br />Page Numbe r: <br /> 4 of 6 <br /> <br />2. Eliminating Barrie rs to He althcare Se rv ice s <br />Each health services adm inistrator, or des ignee, will ens ure that proc edures are in plac e to <br />identify and eliminate unreas onable barriers to inmates’ access to healthcare servic es. <br />Exam ples of unreas onable barriers inc lude, but are not lim ited to, the following: <br /> • Punis hing inm ates for s eeking c are for their s erious health needs <br /> • As sessing exc essive c o-paym ents that prevent or deter inm ates from s eeking care <br />for their serious health needs <br /> • Deterring inm ates from seeking c are for their serious health needs, such as holding <br />sic k c all at 2:00 a.m., when this prac tic e is not reasonably related to the needs of the <br />fac ility <br /> • Healthcare serv ice s will not be de nie d or de laye d base d on an inmate ’s <br />inability to pay. <br />3. Prov iding He althcare Se r v ices <br />Note : The contract m edical provider is res ponsible for s upplying and providing any form s <br />indicated in this sec tion. <br /> • W ithin 24 hours of an inm ate’s arrival to the IDOC, the inm ate m ust receive written <br />and verbal instructions regarding access to healthcare services. W ritten inform ation <br />m us t be m ade available in both English and Spanis h (if an inm ate does not speak <br />English, a written interpretation or telephone interpretation servic e must be provided <br />in the language s poken.) In addition, the contrac t m edical provider shall c om plete a <br />Prison Medic al His tory and Screening form for each inm ate upon arrival into the <br />correctional setting. <br /> • Inform ation about how specific healthc are services are obtained by an inm ate during <br />inc arceration must be reviewed with the inmate (a) at the time of the m edical his tory <br />and screening, (b) any tim e an inm ate rec eives a particular servic e for the first tim e, <br />and (c ) on any other occas ion when an inm ate displays a lac k of unders tanding <br />about how healthc are servic es are obtained. In addition, the contract m edic al <br />provider shall com plete a Phys ical Assessm ent form for eac h inm ate and repeat the <br />assessment as referred by a qualified health professional in c onsideration of the <br />individual inmate’s age, gender, and health needs. <br /> • Each health servic es adm inistrator, or des ignee, m us t establish and monitor <br />proc edures to ens ure inmates have acces s to qualified health professionals and that <br />procedures inc lude, but not be limited to, c linic al aspec ts, monitoring <br />appropriateness, timeliness and respons iveness of care and treatm ent, and review of <br />recommendations for treatm ent of inm ates m ade by healthcare providers. <br /> • Inm ate requests for healthcare servic es m ust be reviewed daily and the appropriate <br />dis position m ade and noted in the healthcare rec ord. <br /> • Changes in the procedures for obtaining healthc are servic es m ust be posted in eac h <br />hous ing unit no fewer than s even calendar days prior to implementation of the <br />c hange.