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Control Number: <br /> <br />Version: <br />3.0 <br />Title: <br />Non-fraternization with Offenders <br /> <br />Page Number: <br />4 of 5 <br /> <br />Idaho Department of Correction <br />IDOC Data Sensitivity Classification - L3 Restricted <br />• The date and/or length of contact (e.g. the date contact occurred or was discovered, <br />how long the prohibited activity existed.) <br />All such notifications from employees shall be forwarded to human resources and placed in <br />the employee’s personnel file. <br />3. Investigations <br />Any fact finding and formal investigation will be conducted in accordance with standard <br />operating procedure, Administrative Investigations. <br />Alleged criminal violation(s) of state statutes will be referred to the appropriate local law <br />enforcement agency prior to conducting any formal internal investigation. <br />A subsequent internal investigation to determine whether employment misconduct has <br />occurred may be conducted if the law enforcement agency declines to accept the referral or <br />determines that insufficient evidence exists for criminal prosecution. <br />4. Consequences for Violations <br />Violation of this policy may result in corrective or disciplinary action up to and including <br />dismissal. The severity and extent of the discipline will be determined by the totality of the <br />facts. <br />Corrective or disciplinary action will be taken in accordance with standard operating <br />procedure, Corrective and Disciplinary Action, and Idaho Administrative <br />Procedure Act (IDAPA) 15.04.01, Rules of the Division of Human Resources and Personnel <br />Commission. <br />DEFINITIONS <br />Agent: An individual who acts on behalf of or represents the Idaho Department of <br />Correction, Correctional Industries, and Commission of Pardons and Parole; to also include <br />volunteers and contractors. <br />Acquaintance: Knowledge of a person acquired by a relationship less intimate than a <br />friendship (e.g. classmates, neighbors, or co-workers). <br />Associate: A person who keeps company with another (e.g. a friend, visitor, companion, <br />business partner, significant other). <br />Contractor: An individual who provides services to the Idaho Department of Correction, <br />Correctional Industries, the Commission of Pardon and Parole, inmates, probationers, <br />parolees, or any unit of the Idaho Department of Correction via a contract either individually <br />or through an organization. <br />Immediate Family - for the purposes of this SOP only: Spouse, child, parent, brother, sister, <br />grandparent, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, first cousin, or any of these same relationships by <br />adoption, marriage, fiancé, fiancée, significant other, and that individual’s family. <br />Offender: An individual who is under department jurisdiction or has been discharged from <br />department jurisdiction within the last 365 days. <br />Personal Contact: One-to-one contact such as corresponding (including telephone and <br />electronic mail), forming close personal friendships, visiting, socializing, dating, etc.